Last weekend I had a great time with my parents, they came to visit! We had a Birthday party, went to prague, and had awesome vegetarian food! Yea it was a great time, I love them! Getting back to Herrnhut monday morning was not so much fun, my bus was late, the taxi broke down, it was raining, it was pretty miserable, But I made it home and my super sweet flat-mates had left me birthday presents, cookies, and a beautiful little note on the table which made up for it all!! I love my friends!
The past two weeks have been pretty crazy! but really cool with all the new Marriage of the Arts students! God is doing and is going to do even more awesome things in this school! 100+ Crazy talented Artists working together, making art that is going to change lives! yea it's awesome to be here right now!
Ulla is also back this week and we've been talking and praying a lot about ethiopia, and when we are going to go! We are talking about going in the end of october, and planning to stay until around may! Which is a little scary, since that's only a month away and there is still so much to prepare! But I am really excited, and I know that God is going to provide, and lead us in this! Next week we will probably figure out a budget for the trip, to see how much we will need to fund raise. We are both really looking forward to the time and anxious to get there already and get started. I especially can't wait to see the Garbage City Girls again, and to go to the south and see all of our friends there, that I haven't seen in over a year! The south feels like my third home. :-)
I am really inspired for this time and I plan on continuing to work on my art while I'm there!! I have recently been getting into more painting and mixed media stuff! This is something I really want to practice and get better at! I want to be re-inspired by Ethiopia and the people there and see what kind of art will come out of that inspiration!
Yea we have a lot of ideas for this time and I think Ulla, Corey, Anna, and I, will make a great team! Plus whoever else decides to join us!! (that could be you!*hint*). Ulla and I really desire to focus on empowering local Ethiopians to get more involved in helping their own people. Not having this role of the 'Westerners coming in to save the day' But rather partnering with, and encouraging Ethiopians to save Ethiopia! Because, I believe that is when real change will begin to take place in this country! There are tons of awesome NGO's and organizations out there but I think there is so much more that can be done! They are really a unique and beautiful people.
We also want to learn Amharic so that we can better communicate with them, especially in the south as less people can speak English there! So we'll see how that goes!
Stephanie just left two days ago for ethiopia So keep her in your prays as well! She will be there for 40 days working with the different projects! Check out her blog for more info! Liz, David and Angie are also hoping to go down next week as well!
Yea that's pretty much all I've got for now!
I'm planning to send out a newsletter soon!
And in case you haven't seen it yet, you can sign up to get my newsletters right over there in the side column -->
Thanks for reading!!
<3 sMelody
So Yesterday I edited some photos from cornerstone and hamburg! for your viewing pleasure! (see more on my flickr!)

have an amazing time in ethiopia. I'll be praying for y'all!
ReplyDeleteHey thanks nancy!!