So far it looks like I'll be leaving march 9th and will stay until middle of April! My friend Kelsey and I are going to go together and then later on some more people from Pick a Pocket will be coming!
We will be working for the majority of the time in Addis Ababa with some of the girls from Garbage City. The last team that was there was actually able to set up a house where some of the girls, who were previously having to dig through the trash everyday Are able come after school. There they can learn how to sew t-shirts so now they are earning a living wage and they don't have to go to the dump anymore! So far we have been selling the t-shirts around our community and we are planning to sell them on tour and eventually open some kind of online shop! So that's really cool and I'm really excited to go and be able to work with the girls and teach them how to sew more things too!
The other thing that I want to do there is to travel south and work with the Rahab Cafe in Jinka. Right now there aren't any girls working there because they've all either gone to school or gotten another job, or made peace with their families and are living at home again. Which is really cool but we want to find more girls to work there and figure out how to keep it running!
I'm really excited for this trip and I know it's going to be a great time where we can really invest into these girls and build stronger relationships with them and at the same time to help sustain the projects!
So this next week and a half is going to be pretty crazy! Since I wasn't expecting to go this soon, I have a lot of preparations to make. Plus I don't have any money for the plane ticket yet, I also have to pay my rent before I leave! Yea so if you think of me this week please pray that I get the finances to go in time! If you're interested in helping me out with prayer, encouragement, Or finances please e-mail me @
thanks for reading!!
-Melody <3<3
(P.S. If you have not heard about any of the projects mentioned here and would like to find out more feel free to ask me or scroll down and check out my previous newsletters! thanks!)

This is Sfleg from Ethiopia. One of the girls who is making t-shirts now instead of digging through the trash!!